Thursday, February 18, 2021

Characters in a Horror Film

    Horror films typically have a large cast of characters who got tormented by the evil villain throughout the film. They are picked apart one by one until the main character is the only one that remains for the "final confrontation". These groups of characters are often made up of different types of people. You have The Jock, The Cheerleader, The Nerd, The Stoner, The Token Minority, The Nice Guy, and then finally, The Last Survivor.

The Jock

    The Jock archetype obviously is known in the film's world as the popular guy who participates in sports, has a beautiful girlfriend, is handsome, etc. They are also narcissistic towards the other characters, feels like they are the alpha male of the group, and not the smartest by a long shot. Most horror movies have The Jock die to the villain by trying to defeat it. To the women in the film, he is desired; to the men, he is envied. To the audience, we root for the antagonist when The Jock is confronted by it.

Cabin in the Woods (2011)

The Cheerleader

    Basically The Jock as a female, The Cheerleader is pretty, popular, rude, and not smart. Her physical features is what allows the other characters to tolerate her attitude towards them. Like The Jock, the viewers often feel hate for The Cheerleader, and the villain can often finish her off with ease. In tense situations where the characters are in danger, this person is the most hysterical, screaming at the other people. They become terrified in their situation, as well as annoying to the people watching.

Friday the 13th (2009)

The Nerd/Stoner

    If a horror movie has The Nerd as part of the group, you will most likely not see The Stoner, and vice versa. Both of the characters who fit in this archetype are complete outcasts from the group, mostly being a part of it due to them having a close relationship to the main character. Furthermore, they tend to be made fun of or mocked by The Jock or The Cheerleader, making it easy for the audience to relate to them. They also do not have to be smart, even if a title such as The Nerd would sound like they are. Unlike the two archetypes mentioned above, The Nerd/Stoner is not the best in terms of looks and have little athleticism, but they give the viewers some sort of comic relief. This is what makes them unique from the rest; whether they are intentional or not, this archetype makes the audience laugh in a genre that focuses on trying to make us frightened.


It (2017)

The Token Minority

    A group in horror movies almost always have that one friend from another race to bring some diversity into the film. Unfortunately, these characters tend to be an afterthought for horror movie writers, as they are never really as developed as the other characters. The people watching the film do not really care for these characters, as they are probably going to be the first to perish anyways. Sometimes, this archetype can blend in with The Nerd/Stoner. However, if a character in this archetype understands they are a minority and that a serial killer would likely target them first, then that would result in them having a greater chance of not being the first to die.

Texas Chainsaw (2013)

The Nice Guy

    Typically played by the main male character, The Nice Guy archetype can either be the brother, friend, or even love interest of the main girl character. Because of his kindness towards everyone, he is often friends with The Jock and liked by the people around him. He is the voice of reason in the group when situations turn south, making the audience see him as likeable and relatable. Sometimes, he makes it to the final conflict with the other main girl character, or he can be one of the last to die, giving the audience a tragic ending to the story. The Nice Guy can also be The Last Survivor.

It Follows (2014)

The Last Survivor

    The Last Survivor, if you have not realized already, is the character that makes it the end of the movie. Occasionally The Nice Guy, this character could also be the main girl character. Pretty on the outside, she is also intelligent, kind, and liked by everyone in the group. Compared to everyone else, she is more innocent and pure, with her mind not clouded by anything such as drugs, which is why she makes it to the finale. She blends into the group at the beginning of the movie, but by the end she finds strength within herself that she never knew she had. Seeing everyone in the group be picked off one by one made her understand that she would be next if nothing is done. She makes the villain suffer the consequences of their actions or dies trying.

Happy Death Day (2017)


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